What to Expect at a GFC Service
What does your service look like?
Our service typically has two Scripture readings, a dedicated time for prayer and catechism, 6-8 songs and a sermon. We take communion twice a month.
What is a catechism?
A catechism is a series of questions and answers which help Christians learn about the things of God. There is a short teaching time followed by a question, with a congregational response.
How long does a service last?
Our services usually last about a hour and a half. (But the fellowship following the services can last for hours)
What about the songs and music?
GFC has no set musical style, however, at this time, we use a piano and have one leader to help guide the congregation through the songs. We sing a mixture of new and old hymns and a few contemporary songs. We have a few set criteria which help us decide what songs to sing. Is the song Biblical in content and is the song easy to sing as a congregation?
Where will the youth go during service?
At GFC the youth stay with the adults through the entire service.
Do you have a nursery for young children?
We don't have individuals who watch children during the service, however, we do have a basement (and room with toys) where parents are encouraged to take their young children should the need arise. There is a speaker in the basement so the sermon can be heard, should the parent feel the need to keep the child downstairs for an extended period.
What about crying babies or disruptive kids?
Our church is accustomed to the noises children make, but sometimes the parent may feel the need to walk downstairs to calm the baby or child and then rejoin the service. Many children know the way downstairs by heart!
What should I wear?
At GFC you will find a wide range of clothing choices from dress to casual. We strive to focus on the attitude of the heart, not what clothes we wear. We desire to love others based on their worth before God, not their quality or style of clothes.
What should I expect when I walk through the door?
We do not typically have a greeter at the door, however, you'll probably be greeted by a number of people before the service. There will be a bulletin, on a table, right inside the building and we encourage you to pick one up to help navigate the service. Pick any pew you are comfortable with and we will begin the service at 10:00.
What should I do when the service is over?
When the service concludes, we hope you'll remain and meet the members of our church. We understand our service is different than what many have seen, so we encourage you to ask any questions you may have. If you need to leave, feel free to pry yourself away, sometimes we can enjoy fellowship for too long!