GFC is committed to centering our church and services around the Word of God. We sing a mixture of new and old hymns, as well as a few contemporary songs. We study each song we sing very hard to make sure it lines up with Scripture. We take communion on the second and fourth Sundays of every month and we enjoy a fellowship meal on the first Sunday of every month. (All visitors are welcome).
GFC began meeting as a congregation on January 1st, 2012 in a small town along the Wabash River in Southern Illinois. We rented a conference room in Grayville, IL at a local hotel for three years. We purchased our own building in April of 2015 and began meeting in our new location on July 5th, 2015.
Mailing Address
Grace Fellowship Church 1020 CR 700N Browns, IL 62818
Building Location 952 CR 450N Grayville, IL 62844
Worship Service
Our worship service consists of several elements. We are devoted to reading the Word of God publicly, corporate and personal prayer, congregational singing, catechism, the Lords Supper, and the preaching of the Word of God.
Reading of the Word
We believe the Word of God should be read aloud and read often in a corporate church service. We consistently read through portions of an Old Testament and New Testament book of the Bible during our service.
We believe prayer is an important part of the Christian life. As breath is to a body, prayer is to the Christian soul. We focus on prayer for the missionaries we currently support financially, specific countries of the world, leaders in our national, state and local governments, and individuals who are a part of our local congregation.
Music & Songs
We strive to sing songs that are Biblically based, and Christ exalting. We presently use a piano, and occasionally a guitar, to accompany our singing. During our service we employ what we call the 'Song of the Month'. We have a different song every month that we sing every Sunday so as to learn and understand it better. We sing older hymns such as 'A Mighty Fortress is our God', newer hymns such as 'In Christ Alone' and even a few contemporary songs.
Catechizing is an excellent way for us to learn and retain the knowledge about the Christian life. We have a time of catechism each week where an elder will ask the question and the congregation will respond. We encourage the congregation to take the material home to study and learn further.
The Lords Supper
Scripture tells us communion is very important to Christians. We have the Lords Supper on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. When we join in communion together we take time for repentance and we make sure to explain who communion is for and what it means.
The preaching of the Word of God is a very important part of our service. Our Sunday morning sermons will primarily be a systematic movement through a book of the Bible, preaching verse by verse or passage by passage.
Fellowship Meal
On the first Sunday of every month we join together directly after the church service for lunch. This gives us an amazing opportunity to spend time together in Christian fellowship and further our relationships as believers. We love for visitors to join us and be able to learn more about us. You need not worry about bringing any food because there is always plenty.
At GFC we believe in a plurality of Elders where each elder takes on the responsibility to teach, as Scripture commands. We have four elders: Kyle Kearbey, Dustin Hawkins, Josh Case and Nicholas Wiseman. Kyle fills the pulpit during the majority of Sunday morning services, however, the other elders preach several weeks every year and teach through catechism, Sunday school and the monthly Sunday night service.